Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Another Reason to Strive for Contentedness

"If a man is contented to be in a low condition, and to go meanly clothed if God sees fit, such a one is shot-free, you might say, from thousands of temptations of the Devil, that prevail against others to the damning of their souls" (Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment).

Here is yet another encouragement to be content in Christ alone. How many quarrels break out because we are not content in our relationships? Because we do not receive the respect we think we deserve? Because we do not have as much money as another? The Devil trolls the troubled waters of discontented souls knowing that such souls will quickly turn to a quick fix (i.e., sin). Yet souls that are content in Christ do not yield to such temptations because these temptations do not compare to what they have in Christ. Let us strive to be content in him for our sakes and his glory!

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