Friday, December 5, 2008

Selection from Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment

He who has God "is able to make up all his outward wants from worldly comforts from what he finds in himself." As Christians, we are able to do this because of what we have inside of us, namely the Kingdom of God (Luke 17.21). James 4.5 reminds us that God has placed inside of us his Spirit after whom we are to yearn jealously. Christ is the God who frees us from sin so that we may be completely, wholly, totally, and eternally satisfied with Him and through Him.

Two words of instruction come from this teaching. First, Christian, pursue the riches that we have in Christ. There is abundant satisfaction there. Why are you downcast, O my soul? Have you forgotten the great exchange of our sin for his righteousness? Have you forgotten your freedom from the eternal punishment awaiting your death? Have you forgotten the joy of obedience to Christ? Have you forgotten that in him is the treasure of all wisdom and knowledge? Christian, there is too much joy here in Christ!

Second and a gentle rebuke, all of our despair, depression, and sin is directly related to our undervaluing Christ. Do we really think we will have victory over sin, whether it be lust, anger, fear of the future, or discontentment with our present circumstances, if we are not making much of Christ?

O how forgetful we are of what Christ has done for us and who He is! But thanks be to God that he is gracious and will continue to mold our desires into the desires of Christ. Pray that God would give you stronger affections for Christ and then go to the Scriptures and behold the all-satisfying Lord.

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